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Getting Cheap Air Tickets

Travellers are often forced to search for cheap air tickets as the budgets get increasingly tight. This is true for individuals who travel for leisure and want to spend less on tickets so they have cash once they reach their destination. Businesses that routinely pay for employees to travel also need to pay less for airfare. Corporate budgets have been reduced in recent years because of the economy. To ensure you make a saving on your airline tickets there are fortunately a number of steps you can take.

Plan Ahead
Always try to this. Of course there will be situations when you must make last minute arrangements. Otherwise, you should be able to buy tickets in advance so you get great prices. Try to fly on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, or Thursdays whenever possible. Even if you get to your destination early, you will have saved significant money. For most people it is a worthwhile tradeoff - for a little of your time, you save a lot of money.

Monitor Airfares
There are two ways to do this. You can sign up for electronic newsletters or mobile alerts so you know when new offers, coupons, and discounts are available for your review. In particular, you want to be able to tell when prices increase or decrease so you can plan accordingly. Airlines offer this information directly or, if you prefer, you can sign-up for this service through any site that provides ticket information from multiple airlines.

Do Not Wait
As soon as you find a good deal, take it. It is not necessary to wait and see if the next deal is better. There will always be a better deal. The problem is at some point prices of cheap air tickets will increase again and you may miss your opportunity to save money. It is not always obvious when airlines will increase airfare. The only time you should wait is if you decide to see if you can get a last-minute deal.

Look for Refunds
You should contact you airline and request a refund of the difference if you have bought you ticket already but you find that a comparable cheap air ticket on your flight drops to a lower price. Most will honor your request. You may have to do this in person at the ticket counter. To find you what their policy is on refunds you can either call the airline directly or you can get the information from their website.

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