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Traveling Toddler Car Seat

I CURRENTLY EXITED a product of two years in a Britax Marathon and 22 "rotating suitcase here and in common, I am very pleased with the belt, and some details you should know, is short:

- Your little one will hold a new thing for them to cart
- The tape is the birth rate is simple and easy to use and the vehicle seat belt system (top and side) to attach your bag on a roll.
- Works well, but be sure to test the home.
- You get a positive explanations from almost everyone who passed . If you have more tapes with you, you may be able to sell it instantly.

Negative: (not absolutely a negative, but the confirmation only)
- Forecast in size. Not really a scam, but a bit down when the arrival of the package. It has nothing to do with the ease of use.
- competitively priced, but still. May cost $ 0.50 for a hat for the inventor who came up with
- Roller assembly. No doubt in an commitment to roll. Three points as follows:

1) Make sure you have a full roll your own packaging, if it is not difficult to "extract" the car seat;
2) affirm that the handling of the cylinder is poor, and will be an opportunity to join in the bar above is;
3) Make sure your reel handle long enough not to bend too much pulling or pushing a car seat / roll when you connect

Those who are traveling with children and this is the subject of purchase. If you really want to travel easily with low cost and this is it! Why buy an additional seat on wheels that you need to save? Sale this fall for their money and headaches later on to save. Strap your child in a car seat that attaches to the bag and go! Does your child once a drag on the ground at the tip and the names on the bags. You will be very satisfied with this purchase, and recommend to your friends too! Happy and safe journey for you and you.

Once again, overall a awesome product. I took a star off for price. However, it is a great buy.

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